Thursday, 21 February 2013

Introducing Woolly Mammouth!

Woolly Mammoth is a subscription craft pack designed for grown-ups and children to do TOGETHER. It arrives in the post and off you go!

•No forward planning
•No need to think up ideas
•Takes about 20 minutes
•Ages 3-7 years

How Does it work?

The woolly mammoth pack arrives through your letterbox twice a month containing an imaginative make-and-do craft kit, photo suggestions, and either a story, song, quiz or game linked to that week's theme.

Why Woolly Mammoth?

Two years ago, I sat down with my three year old son and spent some time creating a masterpiece, no doubt from an old cereal box. At the end he held her face in his hands ad said "Mummy, thank you for spending time with me!" This made me think about my priorities and the seed for Woolly Mammoth was sewn!

In our busy lives, we never seem to stop. Work, school, activities and chores take over our weeks. Woolly Mammoth has been designed to make it easy for grown ups and children to have fun together.

-Words by Fiona, founder of Woolly Mammoth.

Woolly Mammoth is run by Fiona and her business partner Charlotte. They also have four adorable product testers Jules, Lucas, Toby and Billy and without the children's approval the kits don't make it to your letterbox!

I, like many of you, have to balance work with my family life and sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day! Woolly Mammoth takes all the planning (which is the bit i don't have tine for!) out of doing something quick and most of all FUN with my little boy.

I love that the kit fits through the letterbox so I don't have to worry about missing it , resulting in a post office trip!

All you need to make the kits are a few craft essentials for example scissors, glue and tape! On the back of each craft you receive a list of things you will need for your next kit so that you can be prepared. To be honest I already have all these things in my sons arts and craft box anyway!

Now for a look at what you get!

The first kit you receive is the Woolly Mammoth Club Badge Kit! EVERYONE'S first kit is the same and I love this idea! Now every time he gets his kit he can put his members badge on! What child doesn't love to wear a badge!

The instructions are super easy to follow and include pictures. The kit is jam packed full of craft items and there is even enough to make TWO badges! (With more left over too!) And this is only the first of two kits which I think is amazing value for money at £9.90 a month!

Me and Joshua had so much fun making our first kit together! We waited for his little sister Summer to go to bed and then sat down together to create a masterpiece of our own! It was lovely spending some quality creative time with him and watching him follow the steps and create his badge. He gave me a huge cuddle and kiss when we were finished and said that he can't wait for the next kit to come!

I hope you enjoy our pictures! For more information on Woolly Mammoth and to sign up visit or their Facebook page
Or give them a tweet @woollymammoth4


  1. It's great! Takes all the hassle out of doing something with the kids it's fab! Hope you liked the pics! X
